Matt Hauser

artist's bio

Matt Hauser is a London-based Romanian DJ and producer. Pulling apart rhythmic structures, obsessions over baselines, synths and kick drums, Hauser is a man whose entire life is dictated by a relentless love affair with discerning electronic music.

Born and raised in Barlad, Romania he moved to London in 2020, guided by his fascination with sound. While there, he quickly immersed himself in the local scene, and quickly became a regular at clubs such as Fabric, Fold, as well as London’s secret, underground rave network. Though his early influences remained close to home (he cites the likes of Raresh, Rhadoo and Petre Inspirescu as long-time idols), he’s since widened his net further still, and outside of his appreciation with Romanian DJs and producers, he’s also likely to be clued in to sounds from Eddie Richards, Ewan Pearson and Peace Division.

In 2021, Hauser knuckled down further still, dedicating his time to music as much as possible and enrolling in an intensive Dj course at London Sound Academy.An hugely enthusiastic and vivacious learner, he quickly grasped the course fundamentals and has since gone on to forge his own unique take on house and techno sounds. Under the tutelage of Fabric resident Peter Pixzel (a course teacher at London Sound Academy), he’s slowly but surely built a reputation as an exceptional Dj, so much so that he’s since played alongside Pixzel (and other celebrated DJs such as Greg Brockmann) and at esteemed venues such as London’s Egg, The Glove That Fits and Coqbull Soho, where he played for Romanian booking agency, Zebra, who recently signed him. 

Outside of his music production duties, Hauser is also heavily involved in the scene via his work at One of Romania's (and indeed, the world’s) most respected dance music outlets, it hosts interviews and mixes from some of electronic music’s most influential names. Matt Hauser’s story is still in its infancy, but it’s safe to say his is a name you’ll be hearing much more from soon.